Find out the market price for your art item

Unfortunately, without long preparation, it will not be possible to find out the market price on your own, because The price depends on the large number of factors, each of which can affect a certain look with varying degrees.

Therefore, we offer you an easy and quick way to find out the real price. You only need to fill out the form and wait for the answer of our experts!

How can I call you

E-mail for communication

Phone for communication

Title (example: Red picture)


The desired price

Time of creation

Lot location

(Example: Ryazan)

A comment

In order to select several files, take the Shift key or Ctrl key. Up to 7 pieces

We work throughout Russia

You can sell art items from any city in the Russian Federation

Free assessment

Assessment of art objects is free

High level of examination

Our experts are highly qualified experts in the field of art objects and, due to this, can comprehensively evaluate all factors affecting the price, and ultimately offer the price higher than in other places. Summary experience of experts for more than 30 years.

Payment in a convenient form

Cash payment or transfer to card on the day of circulation. First you get money, and then give us objects of art.