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Brands can be compared to characters, each of which has its own character and style of communication with the audience.
Art is almost as old as humanity itself, and countless unique works have been created over the centuries of our existence.
Famous brandsThe school of Russian stonecutters is one of the strongest in the world
The works of the master of stone-cutting art are distinguished by a high artistic level, recognizable author's handwriting and high mastery of stone processing techniques
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Длительное время этот скульптор трудился на посту главного модельмейстера Императорского фарфорового завода. За почти полувековую карьеру…
The last decades of the 20th century became a time of astonishing rediscovery of the forgotten masterpieces of the Russian jeweler Carl Fab…
At the very beginning of the saga "Blade of the Razor," the outstanding author Ivan Efremov describes an exciting event that took place in …
Porcelain Manufacture in Allah When the National Socialists came to power in 1933, they began to impose a new ideology in Germany. Strict …
Archive : Russian silver
retrospective of auction lots
Russian silver has a rich history and traditions. In Russia, silver was not only used to make objects and jewelry, but also had cultural and artistic significance. Russian silver It is often associated with luxury, elegance and high craftsmanship.
Especially famous are Russian silver objects in the style of foreign Baroque and Rococo, as well as in the style of Art Nouveau and constructivism, which became popular at the beginning of the 20th century. Great masters such as Faberge, Ovchinnikov and Bolin created silver masterpieces that were not only objects of decoration, but also symbols of luxury and splendor.
Archive : Royal Vienna Porcelain
retrospective of auction lots
Immerse yourself in the world of fine art with Royal Vienna, a legendary porcelain manufactory that represents the true embodiment of luxury and elegance.
From classic vases and figurines to exquisite tableware and jewelry, Royal Vienna attracts the eye with its sophisticated ornaments and handwork. The craftsmen of the manufactory skillfully use gilding techniques and rococo patterns, giving each product a special charm and sophistication.
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Online auction is a unique opportunity for you to find and purchase the product you are interested in at an attractive price. If you have something to sell, then an auction is the place where you will find buyers for your product
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