Buy silverRostov finift. Sale of silver antiques
Authorship Rostov finift
Rostov finifty, made by the hands of the finifty masters of Rostov the Great.
Finift is the Old Russian name for enamel, and it came from the Greek finiftis, which means shiny. Enamel can be cold and hot. Hot Enamel (from French email) is a durable vitreous coating applied to a metal base (steel, copper, silver, gold sheet), made with special glass-based paints with the addition of various metal oxides and fixed by firing at a temperature of 780-900 degrees. Unlike cold enamel, jewelry with hot enamel, which includes finish, does not scratch, does not fade and does not change color. The art of decorating the finish of metal products came to Russia from Byzantium in the 10th century simultaneously with the adoption of Christianity and reached its perfection in Russia in the XVI - XVII centuries. Artistic (hot) enamel is one of the oldest ways to decorate metal. Finift is used for the execution of miniature portraits, jewelry, jewelry, icons, coats of arms and other luxury items. Artistic enamel has always been valued at the level of precious stones, and today it is recognized by leading art historians as a painting of the XXI century. Rostov finift has its own history and artistic features inherent only to it, closely related to various types of art and, above all, to painting, the influence of which affects both the subject matter and stylistic features. Miniature on enamel played a significant role in the history of art and existed as a completely original and independent form of it.
Elegant miniature painting on enamel is perfectly combined with fine filigree. Filigree (scan) is one of the oldest types of artistic metalworking. The name filigree comes from two Latin words - "filum" (thread) and "granum" (grain). The word scan means to twist, twist. The twisted wire is complemented by grains (small balls), which make the product even more beautiful. Finifty jewelry (earrings, brooches, pendants, bracelets, rings) are certainly beautiful and unique. They are worn with evening dresses or suits. Such jewelry makes ladies more elegant, and attracts the attention of men, and you will not be left without attention at the evening. Finift is loved for its subtlety, grace, airiness and for the skill of people who create such beauty.
Enamel painting is similar in technique to porcelain painting. Refractory enamel paints are applied to a thin convex plate. The enamel is applied to the front side of the plate in three layers. After applying each layer, the plate is dried in a drying cabinet and fired in a muffle furnace at t 700-800 0C until the enamel melts and the surface becomes smooth. To protect the plate from possible deformation during firing during painting, its reverse side is covered with an enamel layer called "counter enamel". At the first stage of painting on enamel with a thin brush, a "sub-painting" is done - the main colors are applied. After that, the plate is fired in a muffle furnace until the paints fuse and acquire brightness and luster. The plate extracted from the muffle cools down and the first registration follows, during which the main details of the image and chiaroscuro are revealed. Then the plate is dried again, fired and cooled. In the process of the second registration, minor details are revealed, semitones are worked out and color relations are clarified. The third firing is performed. When creating a simple composition using a limited colorful palette, the painting ends at the second or third stage. To write a complex miniature, rich in color shades, it takes from 4 to 7 prescriptions and the same amount of firing. This brief overview of the process of creating miniatures on finifti reveals the complexity and complexity of making artistic enamels, which does not allow enameling artists to create them in large quantities. That is why Hot artistic enamel, V.T. and finish is called \
"Precious enamel".
Modern finish.
Modern artists of Rostov the Great successfully continue to paint flowers, landscapes, portraits, architecture. Classical finish has always been loved by art connoisseurs. They do not forget modern fashion trends. This is avant–gardism, abstractionism and a completely new direction - Art Nouveau. Our artists are constantly working on new directions, the painting is constantly changing, the collection of jewelry is regularly updated. Collectors and just fans of finifti will always be able to buy new items for every taste and color in our online store. And for organizations, we offer custom painting (coats of arms, mitre inserts...)
Hot artistic enamel.
Hot enamels are: notched (filling the recesses in the metal), cloisonne (filling the gaps between metal ribbons soldered with an edge on the metal surface), enamel on the scan (Russian enamel), transparent enamel (with translucent through a layer of enamel decorated with relief or engraving of the metal surface), enamel "guilloche" (enamel on guilloche) and painted (painting with colored enamel, as well as refractory paints on the enamel surface), finish (enamel painting applied to a flat plate). Byzantine, Georgian, Russian, Chinese, French (Limoges) enamels are famous.
To date, more than 250 artists work in the Finift technique in Russia, but it is in Rostov the Great that centuries-old traditions of enamel painting have developed, so it is the Rostov finift that is considered the best in Russia. Enamel painting almost forever preserves the purity, brilliance and transparency of color. It is not exposed, like other types of painting, to such destructive factors as light, temperature and humidity changes, pollution. The finished look of the finifti, as a piece of jewelry, is given by the frame, it is made by a jeweler master of the scan. Scan (filigree) is a type of jewelry technique: openwork or soldered on a metal background pattern of thin gold, silver or copper wire, smooth or twisted into strings. Products from the scan are often supplemented with grain (small silver or gold balls) and enamel. The finish is almost never repeated. Also, filigree frames may differ slightly. Each finished product with enamel is individual. Therefore, painting has always been and will remain an elite art form.