The translation of "Эмоции Аэрография, холст" into English is "Emotions Airbrushing, canvas."

Talvir Christina


The portrait, created using airbrush technique, is executed on coarse-grained canvas measuring 50x60 cm, taking about 2 months to complete, in 2014. Everyone sees this work in their own way. Some are charmed by the small playing child, while others are convinced that the girl is upset and crying. This is why the portrait is so emotional – when you are happy, the girl laughs with you; when you are sad, she is in a fit of hysteria. It makes a wonderful gift for someone emotional and who loves genuine art!

Lot No. 1585
100 000.00

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AuctionMon 03 Mar 2025
Before closing 1 week, 6 days



Artist Talvir Christina
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Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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