Still life with a bowl and fruits, oil on canvas.

Gagkaeva Allah


I arranged the fruits for the still life myself and took the photographs myself... The photos turned out not very good - too contrasty, as the still life is against the light. I had to rely more on memory. In the still life on the right, it’s not a pumpkin, but a melon. It’s such a variety). The painting has been purchased for a private collection. A repeat can be commissioned. The price may vary depending on the size of the painting.

Lot No. 1688
100 000.00

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AuctionMon 10 Mar 2025
Before closing 2 weeks, 6 days



Artist Gagkaeva Allah
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Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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jK***dv Sept. 20, 2024 13:12

Классический натюрморт просто завораживает своим разнообразием! Цвета фруктов и овощей так гармонично сочетаются на фоне теплой скатерти — ощущение, будто они вот-вот оживут. Не могу не отметить, как мастерски передана текстура каждого плода, создавая атмосферу уюта и свежести.

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