1912-1987 Born in 1912 in the village of Yastrebovo, Tula region in a peasant family. He received primary education at the Kashirsk comprehensive school, where he was addicted to drawing.Later, already working at one of the Moscow factories, he was engaged in an amateur studio, and then in 1934-38.He studied in the preparatory classes of the Russian Academy of Arts in Leningrad by A.D. Zaitsev and V.M. Oreshnikov. In 1938, Volodin became a student of the Moscow State Art Institute.Surikova, studied with S.V. Gerasimov, A.A. Osmerkina, I.I. Kochmazova.In the very first days of the Great Patriotic War, he goes to the front in the ranks of the people's militia.With weapons in his hands, the commander of the department M.F. Volodin participates in the battles of the protection of Moscow. For combat merits, he was awarded the Order of the "Patriotic War" of the II degree and 13th medals.In 1945, among the members of the brigade of artists, he performed a special task of the Soviet government, participated in the salvation of paintings by the Dresden Gallery, for which he was awarded the golden sign and diploma of the GDR "Friendship of Peoples".Since 1948 - member of the Moscow Region and member of the exhibitions. The master of complex picturesque composition, M.F. Volodin for his artistic life created a number of excellent works that were included in the Golden Fund of Soviet Fine Arts.His paintings "Concert at a construction site" 1957. Kh.M.150x315 cm. Museum of Fine Arts of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, “Test Departure on the collective farm”, “Saughty of the Russian Winter” and others talk about him as an artist of deep thought and high professional skill.Of great value is his picturesque canvas “Salvation of paintings by the Dresden Gallery”, exhibited at the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the USSR. His famous painting “Convoy of captured Germans through the streets of Moscow” is located in the Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The same museum is exhibited by its excellent composition “V.I. Lenin in Moscow.March 1918 "Mikhail Filippovich was a subtle, demanding master of the Russian landscape.His paintings “Evening”, “March”, “On the Volga Spaces”, “Suzdal”, “Spring”, “On the Kulikovo field” and others adorn the expositions of many art museums of our country. M.F. Volodin always conducted great public work.He was repeatedly elected a member of the party committee and the chairman of the trade union committee of the Moscow Region.Mikhail Filippovich gave a lot of effort and energy to the creation of folk art galleries.With the help of Moscow artists, on a voluntary basis, he organized and for about 30 years podged the first folk art gallery in the Union in the village of Lyalovo, Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region (now it was assigned his name), actively participated in the formation and replenishment of many other folk art galleries, including thatAmong the village of Voronovo, Moscow Region, in the city of Dankovo, Lipetsk Region, rural folk gallery at the Proletarian state farm of the Kalinin region, on the collective farm named afterEmelyanova Gorky region, in Moscow at the Vladier Ilyich factory, in a museum in the district center in the Kostroma region, etc. The movement took a wide scope, and by the initiative of Mikhail Filippovich, not one hundred museums were created in our country. Pictures of M.F. Volodin are stored in museums in Moscow: in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Museum of Fine Arts named afterA.S. Pushkin, Central Museum of the Soviet Army, the Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, in the museums of Simferopol, Yakutsk, Smolensk, Kazan, Vyborg, Ulyanovsk, Okhta and other cities of Russia and the CIS, in the museums of Italy, the USA, as well as in private collections of Germany, Czechoslovakia, China, Italy, France, Great Britain and the USA. Many work were reproduced by mass circles and were published in the press. https: // SOVJIVIViviv.ru/News/835/