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от 180 ₽
от 180 ₽
от 180 ₽
Comic Paulina Antonovna
painter - landscape painter.Date of birth: 07/23/1916 Place of birth: p.Krasnoye of the Paninsky district of the Voronezh region Education: She graduated from the Armavir School of Painting and Drawing (1935), in 1936 - 1939 - studied at the Moscow Textile Institute at the fabric painting department. A student of the outstanding Russian painter Peter Konchalovsky. Labor activity: since 1933 - lived in Novosibirsk.1936 - 1946 - worked in the Novosibirsk partnership "Artist", from 1941 - 1946 - deputy chairman of the partnership. since 1946 - in Voronezh.She worked in the Voronezh Association "All -artist", from 1982 - 2001 - in the Voronezh creative - production plant. Since 1947, a participant in city thematic, regional, inter -regional, zonal (1964, 1967, 1969, 1974, 1980, 1984), regional (1997) exhibitions.The main works: “Ob” (1947), “City landscape” (1947), “Winter landscape” (1955), “Rozh” (1955), “Prioli” (1955), “In the Voronezh River Valley” (1956),“Spring” (1960), “Autumn” (1967), “Vesaga” (1974), “On the Don” (1984), etc. Her husband - artist Komolov Vasily Kuzmich (04/07/1918 - 08/06/1985) Awards: Medal “For the victory over fascist Germany” (1945), the medal “For Valiant Labor” (1980), the medal “Veteran of Labor”.