The translation of the text "Мыс Бурхан масло, холст" into English is "Cape Burkhan oil, canvas."

Arkhipov Tatiana


Once upon a time, people believed that Cape Burkhan, also known as Shaman Rock, was made of gold and silver. The picture will bring luck and success in material matters to its owner. The seagull in the background symbolizes freedom and independence.

Lot No. 2680
7 000.00

to participate in the auction

AuctionThu 27 Feb 2025
Before closing 2 weeks



Artist Arkhipov Tatiana
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Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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jK***bt Oct. 1, 2024 01:12

Какой прекрасный морской пейзаж! Эта гармония между спокойным океаном и величественными скалами настолько умиротворяет. И тот момент, когда в небе летит чайка, добавляет особую изюминку — словно вся природа дышит вместе с нами!

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