The translation of "ВЕСНА холст, акрил" into English is "SPRING canvas, acrylic."

Burkina Anna


The painting was created by the artist at a moment when spring had fully unfolded and the trees filled the air with their sweet scent of flowers. And in the distance, a village appeared, and the first spring flowers had opened their red and white petals.

Lot No. 4407
7 000.00

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AuctionSat 01 Mar 2025
Before closing 1 week, 2 days



Artist Burkina Anna
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Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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jR***ea Sept. 10, 2024 06:12

Как же прекрасно это весеннее настроение! Большое дерево на переднем плане словно олицетворяет надежду и силу природы. А яркие цветы и птица, пролетающая над полями, добавляют картине живости и легкости, создавая ощущение свободы и счастья.

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