
Evening. Gardens. Vladimir Tupisov.
Vladimir Tupisov is a talented artist whose inspiration and brushes create stunning landscapes. Each of his works captivates and transports the viewer into a world of vibrant colors, unique forms, and an unparalleled atmosphere. There is a deep understanding of nature and the ability to convey its beauty on canvas. Vladimir Tupisov masterfully manipulates light and shadow, creating a harmonious composition that leaves an indelible impression. His landscapes are full of life and emotion, with every detail thoughtfully considered down to the smallest nuances. They can evoke nostalgia, joy, or tranquility, genuinely enchanting and uplifting the spirit. The works of Vladimir Tupisov are true masterpieces that reflect his talent and passion for painting.

Lot No. 5455
60 000.00

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Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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от 180 ₽
от 180 ₽
от 180 ₽