Artist Daskal Velina

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Lot No. 1649
The translation of "Губы" акри…
12 000.00
Lot No. 1652
"Koty" acrylic, watercolor pap…
8 500.00
Lot No. 1658
The translation of "Тигрь акри…
10 000.00
Lot No. 1648
"Passion" acrylic, watercolor …
Lot No. 1646
"Северное сияние" translates t…

18 000.00
Lot No. 1651
The translation of "Роза" акри…
12 000.00
Lot No. 1650
The translation of "Жребец" ак…
Lot No. 1659
"1001 Nights" acrylic, waterco…
9 200.00
Lot No. 1653
The translation of the text is…
Lot No. 1647
The translation of "Тигры" int…