Artist Azarenko Liana Ivanovna

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06/01/1938 - 08/14/2006

Born in 1938 in the village of Sharips of the Goretsky district of the Mogilev region of Belarus.

1957 graduated from the Minsk Industrial College with the degree of Technician-Geologist.

1966 graduated from the Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute.Karl Marx, Faculty of Art and Grandmia.

1966-1968 Lecturer of painting of the Kargopol Pedagogical School.

1986-1991 Lecturer of painting by the Children's Art School of Smolensk.1980 Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR (since 1991 - member of the Union of Artists of Russia).

1981 awarded the diploma of the SCO RSFSR "For participation in the V -zonal art exhibition."1991 Work in the House of Creativity "Baikal".

Exhibitions: since 1967, a participant in regional art exhibitions.1966 All -Union Youth Exhibition of Moscow.1975 Group art exhibition (V. Korobov and L. Azarenko), Smolensk.

1978 Republican art exhibition "Culture Monuments", Yaroslavl.1979 Group art exhibition (V. Korobov and L. Azarenko), the city of Smolensk.1980 V Zonal exhibition "Artists of the Non -Black Earth Region", Ryazan.1983 Republican art exhibition "Blue Roads of the Homeland", Leningrad.1990 VII Zonal exhibition "Artists of the Non -Chernozemye", Vladimir.

1991 Inter -Republican exhibition "Monuments of the Fatherland in the works of artists of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus", Minsk, Smolensk.

1992 Personal art exhibition of Smolensk.1993 Personal exhibition of Vitebsk.

1997 Personal exhibition of Smolensk, Bank "Key".Exhibition of Smolensk artists at the Military Academy of Air Defense, Smolensk.1999 Personal exhibition at the branch of the St. Petersburg Industrial and Construction Bank, Smolensk.Personal exhibition, Smolensk, regional library.All-Russian art exhibition "Renaissance" dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Christianity, G. Kostroma.

1999 All -Russian exhibition "Boldin Autumn", Moscow.2000 All -Russian exhibition "Your name", Moscow.2001 International exhibition "Time.Space.Man. ”, Gagarin.2002 Regional exhibition "Art of the XXI Century", Bryansk.Regional exhibition "Time.Space. School. "2003 Regional exhibition "Artists of the Central Regions of Russia", Lipetsk.

Work Azarenko L.I.They are stored in the Smolensk Museum-Reserve, are in private collections in Russia, Belarus, Germany, Cyprus.

Lot No. 2098
Red flower. Canvas, oil. 50 x …
105 000.00