Artist Sitnikov Yuri

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Lot No. 3420
The translation of "Зима масло…
10 000.00
Lot No. 3414
The translation of the text "Н…
10 000.00
Lot No. 3419
The translation of "Зимний лес…
5 000.00
Lot No. 3418
The text translates to "Louis …
30 000.00
Lot No. 3413
The text translates to: "Nigh…
Lot No. 3417
The translation of the text yo…
8 000.00
Lot No. 3422
"Snowfinch oil on canvas MDF"
Lot No. 3421
The text translates to "Saxoph…
Lot No. 3415
The translation of the text is…
Lot No. 3411
The translation of "Щенок бума…
Lot No. 3416
Stormit Holst DVP oil
Lot No. 3412
KBR mountain river oil canvas …