Artist Dubkova Maria

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Lot No. 3273
"Softness. Gladioluses" Pastel…
30 000.00
Lot No. 3272
"Night" Pastel, paper.
20 000.00
Lot No. 3275
"Spring Bouquet." Pastel, pape…
30 000.00
Lot No. 3274
"Monastery of Khor Virap with …
35 000.00
Lot No. 3270
"Peonies. Night." Pastel, pape…
35 000.00
Lot No. 3271
"Peacock. Night." Pastel, pape…
Lot No. 3269
"Peonies. Day." Pastel, paper.
37 000.00
Lot No. 3268
"Day." Pastel, paper.
Lot No. 3267
"Morning." Pastel, paper.