Artist Bibak Vera

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Lot No. 3237
"Pastel, paper performance"
12 000.00
Lot No. 3244
"Finland Pastel, canvas paper"
10 000.00
Lot No. 3247
The translation of "Первая вст…
15 000.00
Lot No. 3242
"Stalker Pastel, paper"
15 000.00
Lot No. 3241
"At the window Pastel, canvas …
12 000.00
Lot No. 3243
"One pastel, canvas paper."
12 000.00
Lot No. 3240
The translation of the text is…
20 000.00
Lot No. 3246
The translation of "Материнств…
Lot No. 3245
The translation of the text is…
12 000.00
Lot No. 3239
The translation of the text "П…
Lot No. 3238
"Winter Petersburg Pastel, can…