Artist Abramova Anna

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The first personal exhibition of the young artist Anna Abramova (at) was held in February 2016, in St. Petersburg.The theme of the exposition is “you can hear” and this is directly related to reflection, with self -awareness.
Lot No. 3035
"Birth" Canvas, oil, sand.
81 000.00
Lot No. 3036
"Wounds of the city of Holst, …
83 000.00
Lot No. 3028
"Crossing the Holst, oil, varn…

137 000.00
Lot No. 3030
"Rings. Canvas, oil, enamel."
97 000.00
Lot No. 3027
"Crossed canvas, oil, varnish."
137 000.00
Lot No. 3033
"Guard of the Canvas, oil (pai…
71 000.00
Lot No. 3032
The translated text is: "War o…
78 000.00
Lot No. 3034
The translation of the text "М…
79 000.00
Lot No. 3029
The translation of the text is…


71 000.00
Lot No. 3031
The translation of the text is…