The text "Cryptage масло" translates to "Encryption oil" in English.

Сalm Vincent


The painting by the little-known French artist Vincent Calma was purchased in 1935 in America by my great-grandfather. This painting was the last one created by Vincent Calma. The artist stated that this artwork contained secrets meant only for his son and wife. At that time, the painting was bought for 380 dollars. My great-grandfather was a collector of paintings.

Lot No. 1598
60 000.00

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AuctionMon 24 Feb 2025
Before closing 1 week



Artist Сalm Vincent
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Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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jE***ea Sept. 30, 2024 09:12

Какое буйство цветов и форм! Эта картина словно дышит энергией, отражая весь спектр эмоций. С каждой деталью она погружает нас в мир чувств, где каждое мазок — это отдельная история.

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