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от 180 ₽
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от 180 ₽
Maltsev Vladimir Rodionovich
1940 was born in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky of the Sverdlovsk region. 1967 graduated from the Faculty of Art and Grace of the Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute.K. Marx.1967-1976 Lecturer at the Children's Art School of Tslitamak BASSR.1971 Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR (since 1991 - member of the Union of Artists of Russia).1976 moves to Smolensk.1976 is elected to the board of the Smolensk organization of SC RSFSR.1988-1991 Chairman of the Audit Commission of the Smolensk Organization of the Union of Artists of Russia. 1999 awarded a diploma of the Union of Artists of Russia.2004 awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of Russia”. Participation in exhibitions.Since 1971, a participant in republican art exhibitions (Bashkiria).Since 1976, a participant in regional art exhibitions (Smolensk) 1978 exhibition of works of Smolensk artists, Moscow.1979 II Republican exhibition of Estamp, Moscow.1980 V Zonal exhibition "Artists of the Non -Black Earth Region", Ryazan.VI Republican exhibition "Soviet Russia", Moscow.1982 VI All -Union Exhibition of Estamp, Moscow.1984 Personal exhibition of Smolensk 1985 VII Republican exhibition "Soviet Russia", Moscow.VI Zonal exhibition "Artists of the Non -Chernozem", Kostroma.1987 Exhibition of works of Smolensk artists in Poland. Exhibition of works of Smolensk artists-schedules in Germany.1990 VII Regional Exhibition "Artists of the Central Regions of Russia", Vladimir.1997 All-Russian exhibition dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Moscow, Moscow.VIII Regional Exhibition "Artists of the Central Regions of Russia", Moscow.Exhibition of Smolensk artists in the administration of the Smolensk region. 1998 Exhibition of Smolensk artists in Safonovo.1999 All-Russian art exhibition "Renaissance", dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Christianity, Kostroma.2000 All-Russian art exhibition dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Christianity, Moscow.All-Russian art exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Victory, Moscow.2000 All -Russian exhibition "Your name", Moscow.The All -Russian exhibition is “dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland”, Moscow.2001 Personal Art Exhibition, Smolensk. Foreign Art Exhibition in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus).2002 Interregional exhibition "Russia Young", Bryansk.2003 Regional exhibition "Artists of the Central Regions of Russia", Lipetsk.Mobile exhibition of the Russian Academy of Arts, gg.Smolensk, Moscow.2009 All -Russian exhibition "Russia", Moscow. The artist’s works are stored in the directorate of exhibitions of the Union of Artists of Russia, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, in museums of the GG.Ufa, Bryansk, are in private collections in Russia, USA, Canada, Poland, Germany.