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от 180 ₽
от 180 ₽
от 180 ₽
Efanov Eduard Panteleimonovich
Born on May 11, 1938 in the village of Khrenovoy Khrenovoy district (now Bobrovsky) of the Voronezh region. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming an artist.He painted a lot, went headlong into his fantasies.“There was no longer enough papers. He painted on trellis, composing plots himself” - memories of the painter.The plots of the paintings of Eduard Efanov invariably awaken the feeling of "a long -familiar, close, experienced". Spectators are attracted by the spiritual fullness of the landscapes of a subtle artist who knows how to deeply penetrate the state of the forever and excellent being of nature, and poetically convey its personal understanding. The first echo of the future glory of the Ramon master was the recognition of his talent at the regional youth exhibition in 1970.Then, regional art exhibitions, zonal exhibitions in Orel (1976) Bryansk (1989), Voronezh (1984), the Republican exhibition of 1979 followed. Efanov’s paintings were exhibited in the exhibition halls of Tenessa (USA).Worldwater art historians praised the technique of the performance of paintings, the workshop of color rendering, realism and at the same time poetry of paintings.But to understand the work of Eduard Efanov, it is not necessary to be an expert on art.It’s just that his paintings evoke the best feelings in a person.In every smear, the hand of the master is felt, the special transparency of the colors is striking ... the sincerity, which is filled with Efanov’s canvases, his boundless admiration for the perfection of nature of nature, selfless love for native places make the world around you brighter and more spiritual. Eduard Efanov has forever remained in the history of Voronezh painting.Among the famous names that glorified the Voronezh land, the Voronezh historical and cultural encyclopedia stores information about Eduard Panteleimonovich and his talented family.And the Ramonsky district presented the Efanov’s creative recludes - Eduard and Lyudmila - the Mosin Prize. In the first grade, when other boys wanted to become pilots or geologists, Eduard Efanov told the teacher that he would be an artist.And he began, having graduated from the Yelets Art College.The favorite genre is a landscape, although he worked a lot on portraits and wrote genre scenes.The author had to hear more than once that his paintings seem to exude the aromas of nature.Konstantin Efanov, artist: “At one time, he was called the lyrics of Ramonsky, Voronezh. Most of all he liked something more autumn, a winter landscape, a rainy mood. In childhood, I called him the king of snow. Snow is not the same, somewhere pinkish, where-the bluish. " The current exhibition presents the artist’s works created in several decades of creative activity. Many of them are dedicated to Ramoni, where the master spent most of his life.They are written in the traditional manner of classical Russian poetic landscape.Experts believe that Efanov’s paintings are deeply national, and not so much by external signs as by the nature of the attitude.Alexander Gutorov, organizer of the exhibition: "Eduard Efanov in the full sense of the artist of Russia. Like the poetry of the nature that he passes through his soul. Anyone sees forests, fields. The artist does not only take pictures, he passes through himself, through his soul, his worldart".Its canvases are not characterized by the complexity of the plots and the spectacularity of a picturesque solution.They bribe the viewer by creating the impression of a long -friend, close and experienced. Pictures of Eduard Efanov are now stored in the Kramsky Museum, in private collections of Russia, France, Germany, China and America.