The painting depicts a rich, successful lady who dedicated her entire life to her career in pursuit of money and fashion, which is evident in her clothing and the stern expression on her face. However, now that she has acquired everything she was chasing in her older age, she realizes with a sense of longing, as seen in her eyes, that she has missed the most important thing: time for life. In reality, she has not lived the life she wanted, but rather the one that defined her status in society. She was afraid of what others would think of her, fearing she would appear to be a failure, along with other unacceptable societal judgments. Upon realizing all this, she feels a deep sadness. The painting conveys the message that one should not chase after superficial goals but instead focus on living life authentically, irrespective of status, boundaries, and stereotypes. Living one's own life is the true path to happiness that everyone seeks. Life is given only once!
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Zakirova Camilla
A person is emotionally vulnerable, but at the same time strong in spirit, with dreams and fantasy embodying in life for paintingsSimilar lots
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