"Angel Souls Oil, canvas on cardboard"

Lomakovskaya Ludmila


The painting was born as an association with simple verses -
All angelic souls hover in the clouds
And in sunny paintings
And in sunny poems.
They find understanding, special attention
In other very bright
Mysterious cats.
They hover and hover,
Irritating some,
Inspiring others
To feats and to labor...
But all of us - I assure you!
Our earthly flock -
Wingless, loud,
Unkind, lazy,
All of us, imperfect,
Are cared for as best they can! The painting was created with love and kindness.

Lot No. 3594
1 500 000.00

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AuctionMon 17 Mar 2025
Before closing 4 weeks



Artist Lomakovskaya Ludmila
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Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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