Buy paintingsLosev Andrey Vasilievich. Buy paintings
Artist Losev Andrey Vasilievich
Born 08/18/ Voronezh.
He graduated from the Voronezh Art College in 1982, the Moscow State Academic Art Institute.IN AND.Surikova in 1990
painter, graph.Works in the genre of historical picture, portrait, book illustration, church painting.
Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1995
member of exhibitions since 1991: regional 1997, 2003;All -Russian 1999, 2000, 2003;All -Union 1991
Awards: Laureate of the Prize named afterA.V.Koltsova for a series of works for the book “Life of Protopop Avvakum”, a diploma of a participant in the VIII exhibition of works by artists of the central regions of Russia 1997, a diploma for participating in the IX All -Russian Artistic Exhibition “Russia” 1999, a diploma of a participant in the All -Russian Artistic Exhibition “Heritage” 2003.