Artist Samarina Vera Evgenievna

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Honored Artist of Russia, graphic artist 1940 Was born in Moscow.

1962 Graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V. I. Lenin.

1962-1980 Assistant of the Drawing Department of the Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute named after K. Marx.

1975 Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR (since 1991 - member of the Union of Artists of Russia).

1985 - Associate Professor of the Department of Fine Arts of the K. Marx SSPI.

1987 Creative business trip to the Mongolian People's Republic.

1988-1991 Member of the Audit Commission of the Smolensk Organization of the Agricultural Academy of the RSFSR. 1991 Awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist of Russia".

1997 Awarded the medal of the Government of the Russian Federation for participation in the All-Russian exhibition dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Moscow.

In 1998, she was awarded a Certificate of Honor by the administration of the Smolensk region for many years of work (presentation of the SSPI).

1999 Awarded the Diploma of the Union of Artists of Russia. 2003 Awarded a Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts.

2004 Elected to the Board of the Smolensk Organization of the Union of Artists of Russia. 2009 Awarded the Yuri Gagarin Medal by the Association of Cosmonautics Museums of Russia (AMCOS). PARTICIPATION IN EXHIBITIONS.

Since 1973, participant of regional art exhibitions, zonal art exhibitions (IV - 1974 - Ivanovo; V - 1980, Ryazan; VI - 1985, Kostroma; VII - 1990, Vladimir; VIII - 1997, Moscow), republican exhibitions of prints (I - 1975, Moscow; II - 1979, Moscow; VI - 1982, Moscow; 1989 - Leningrad). 1975 V Republican exhibition "Soviet Russia", in Moscow.

1976 I All-Union Exhibition of drawing, Moscow, Leningrad.

1977 Republican exhibition "My non-Chernozem region", Tula, Smolensk, Gorky. Republican exhibition "60 years of the Great October", Moscow. An exhibition of prints dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the House of Creativity "Chelyuskinskaya", Moscow.

1978 Reporting exhibition based on the results of a creative trip to Kuzbass, Kemerovo. 1979 All-Russian exhibition of works by artists-teachers of pedagogical educational institutions, Moscow.

1980 Exhibition of animal artists, Moscow. 1981 Republican exhibition "In the native country", Moscow.

1983 All-Russian exhibition "Physical Culture and Sport in Fine arts", Ryazan. Republican exhibition "In the native country" Krasnoyarsk. 1985 VII Republican exhibition "Soviet Russia", Moscow. 1986 VII Tallinn Triennial of Graphics, Tallinn. Republican exhibition of easel graphics, Moscow. 1987 Republican Exhibition of easel graphics, Moscow. Republican exhibition of artists-teachers, Moscow. Exhibition of Smolensk graphic artists in Poland. Exhibition of Smolensk graphic artists in Germany. 1988 Republican exhibition "Space in the service of peace", Kalingrad. Personal exhibition, Smolensk. 1989 Republican Exhibition of easel graphics, Moscow. 1990 All-Russian Exhibition of easel graphics, Moscow.

1995 Exhibition of Smolensk artists in Hagen (Germany). 1996 Personal exhibition, Smolensk. 1997 All-Russian exhibition dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Moscow, Moscow. 1998 Personal exhibition, Gagarin.

1999 All-Russian exhibition "Russia", Moscow. All-Russian art exhibition "Renaissance" dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Christianity. Kostroma. 1999 All-Russian exhibition "Boldinskaya Autumn", Moscow. 2000 All-Russian exhibition "Your Name", Moscow. Foreign exhibition of Smolensk artists in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus). 2001 International Exhibition "Time. Space.Man", G.Gagarin. All-Russian exhibition "Invitation to Dialogue", Moscow. Foreign exhibition of Smolensk artists in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus). Personal art exhibition, Moscow Smolens . Personal art exhibition, Safonovo (Safonovsky Electric Machine Building Plant).

2002 Regional Exhibition "Time. Space. Man", G. Gagarin.

Exhibition of Smolensk artists in Lefortovo, Moscow. Interregional exhibition "Young Russia"", Bryansk.

2003 Regional exhibition "Artists of the Central regions of Russia". Lipetsk. Traveling exhibition of the Russian Academy of Arts, Smolensk, Moscow. All-Russian exhibition " Heritage", Voronezh. Foreign exhibition of Smolensk artists in Orsha (Republic of Belarus). 2004 All-Russian exhibition "Russia", Moscow.

Foreign exhibition of Smolensk artists in Orsha (Republic of Belarus). 2005 All–Russian exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Moscow. 2007 Personal exhibition, Smolensk. All-Russian exhibition "Renaissance", Belgorod. 2006 All–Russian exhibition "Graphics XX-XX1 centuries.", Irkutsk. All-Russian exhibition "Kremlins of Russia", Moscow (Kremlin).

2007 Exhibition of applicants for the Central Federal District Award, Moscow (Russian Academy of Arts). 2008 Regional exhibition "Artists of the Central regions of Russia", Yaroslavl. All-Russian exhibition "Fatherland", Moscow. International exhibition "Monuments of the Fatherland", Tver. All-Russian exhibition "Renaissance", Tver. Personal exhibition, Moscow. International exhibition "From Marc Chagall to the present day", Smolensk. 2009 All-Russian exhibition "Russia", Moscow. Personal exhibition, Smolensk (Exhibition hall of the museum-reserve).

Works by V.E. Samarina are kept in the Smolensk Museum-Reserve, the Directorate of Exhibitions of the Union of Artists of Russia, the Art Fund of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the museums of Roslavl and Gagarin, are in private collections in Russia, the USA, Germany, Mongolia.

Lot No. 2094
"Dandelions. Colored linocut. …
55 000.00
Lot No. 2095
Daisies. Colored linocut. 42x5…
55 000.00
Lot No. 2093
April. Color linocut. 40x50 cm
55 000.00
Lot No. 2096
Sunflowers. Colored linocut. 4…
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Lot No. 2092
Bouquet. Color linocut. 45x30 …
55 000.00