Artist Kozikov Konstantin Illarionovich

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1924 -1995

Painter. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR

The exhibition presents one painting. Kozikov K.I. was born in 1924. At the age of 18, he went to the front of the Great Patriotic War. In 1947, he was hired as a decorator of the Smolensk Regional Theater. From here began his long and difficult path to art. The artist works in different genres. He paints portraits, still lifes, landscapes, tries his hand at thematic painting. Thanks to his fruitful work, the artist received an invitation to work in the Smolensk branch of the Art Fund of the RSFSR. Konstantin Illarionovich's talent was fully revealed here. The genre in which the artist has manifested himself most fully has also been determined – this is landscape.
The artist participated in zonal, republican, inter-republican, regional art exhibitions. For achievements in the field of fine arts, in 1975 he was accepted as a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. The artist's landscapes are characterized by sincerity, poetization of the Central Russian nature, among which he lived and which he loved endlessly. On January 13, 1995, K. I. Kozikov passed away.

Lot No. 2172
"Colors of Autumn. Cardboard, …
64 000.00