Artist Leonel Vanegas Rosales

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Leonel Vanegas (Nicaraguan, 1942 - 1989) Leonel Vanegas was born in Managua, Nicaragua in 1942.

Leonel Vanegas belonged to the generation of painters that became known in the 1960s.

former student of the National School of Fine Arts, Vanegas trains himself in contact with his classmates of the Praxis Group.

soon dispenses with impressionism and influenced by Armando Morales is accepted to abstractionism to express his art and message.In those years, its pictorial evolution goes from the arid and hard, dominant landscape in the series of works carried out north of Lake Managua, to the abstract informalism of the collection that integrates its first individual exhibition in the Praxis gallery, in early 1964.

Vanegas's abstractionism allows himThe texture is imposed on color, reduced to the violent use of black and white.

And when in 1965 he returns to figurativism, he does, as Alejandro Aróstegui points out, "without the slightest trace of stiticist delight", but in an aggressive and angry way, so that there is no doubt about the nausea that produces therot and the injustices of the oppressive society in which he lives.The series of "dead dogs" is representative of this moment of illuminated wrath of Vanegas.

This incursion into the figurative allows you later, and after a two -year permanence in New York, to merge all the elements that characterize her work of maturity and that is worth a very special place in the Nicaraguan plastic.

Lot No. 2070
"Nude. Tempera. 80 x 50 cm"
120 000.00