How to store so as not to lose money
how to store, so as not to lose money
You risk when you buy art.It will be annoying if you successfully choose the work, it will grow in price, but you will still sell it cheaper due to mold or fading of paints.
Painting, graphics, photography do not like direct sunlight, and books are damp.On an antique table, you can not put mugs with tea, and it is better to wipe a bronze candlelight with a patina with a simple flanel.Just in case, check with the seller the conditions in which you need to store the work.
Almost any work of our price category can be stored at home - a bank cell is not needed.But of course, it can be insured against theft.
Old art is faked.Three factors help determine authenticity: Provenance (origin), art history and technical and technological examinations.The more transparent the history of the transitions of the subject from the owner to the owner, the more confidence that you are not a fake.
But neither the ideal pro -impaired nor expert opinion guarantee authenticity.
If you are offered a drawing by Manet for 130 thousand rubles or even more money at stake, this is an occasion for paranoia.Order an independent scientific examination in the museum or research center.Primary examination without difficult studies costs 600 rubles. Not all contemporary art will rise in price.With a sum of 100 thousand rubles, you have to choose from young and promising, which means that there are more chances to make a mistake: many of them will not become famous and in demand.
Put only in those works that you really like-you will have to look at them every day.The art is getting more expensive.
- Look for art at auctions, in galleries and artists personally.Safe - at auctions.More profitable - with hands.
- Read news and analytics, look for patterns to understand who to buy and when to sell.
- Find out how to store your work so as not to lose money due to crumbling paint.
- Check the authenticity of the works, evaluate the risks and choose what pleases the eye.
art is getting more expensive