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Lot No. 4877
"Teddy bear with a raised paw.…
3 500.00
Lot No. 5006
"Optimist and Pessimist. Denma…
3 600.00
Lot No. 5015
The translation of the text in…
3 700.00
Lot No. 4961
The girl on the stone. Denmark…
3 900.00
Lot No. 4960
The Boy with the Horn. Denmark…
4 500.00
Lot No. 4975
Playing children
Lot No. 4939
Crawling Baby. Denmark, Copenh…
4 800.00
Lot No. 4981
Dickie (a boy drawing on the a…
4 800.00
Lot No. 4876
White polar bear cub. Denmark,…
4 900.00
Lot No. 4953
"Baby with a brush. Denmark, C…
5 100.00
Lot No. 4972
"Little girl. Denmark, Copenha…
5 100.00
Lot No. 5025
Sure! The translation of the t…
5 100.00
Lot No. 5024
"My balloon. Denmark, Copenhag…
5 400.00
Lot No. 4956
Boy with an umbrella. Denmark,…
5 500.00
Lot No. 5018
Who is calling? Denmark, Copen…
5 500.00
Lot No. 5030
The translation of your text i…
5 500.00
Lot No. 4978
Good morning. Denmark, Copenha…
5 800.00
Lot No. 4988
Peter. A boy with fruit in his…
5 900.00
Lot No. 5005
"The boy with the bucket. Denm…
5 900.00
Lot No. 4930
"Binding Girl. Denmark, Copenh…
6 100.00
Lot No. 5028
Little Builder. Denmark, Copen…
6 100.00
Lot No. 5145
"Palekh Plates 1988 'Russian T…
6 500.00
Lot No. 4927
"Amager girl. Denmark, Copenha…
6 500.00
Lot No. 4992
"Boy rolling up his pant leg. …
6 500.00
Lot No. 5013
Children's pain. Denmark, Cope…
6 500.00
Lot No. 4959
"Girl with Plates. Denmark, Co…
6 800.00
Lot No. 4990
Victor. Boy drinking milk. Den…
6 900.00
Lot No. 4998
"Boy with a Crab. Denmark, Cop…
7 000.00
Lot No. 5031
The translation of "К маме" in…
7 100.00
Lot No. 4958
Child with an accordion. Denma…
7 300.00
Lot No. 5011
Tax. Denmark, Copenhagen, Roya…
7 400.00
Lot No. 4949
Rosebud. Denmark, Copenhagen, …
7 500.00
Lot No. 4977
Kai. A standing boy in shorts.…
7 500.00
Lot No. 5027
Meret. Girl with a book. Denma…
7 500.00
Lot No. 4915
A boy carving a stick. Denmark…
7 900.00
Lot No. 4936
Crawling baby. Denmark, Copenh…
8 000.00