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от 180 ₽
от 180 ₽
от 180 ₽
Zorikova Lidia Alexandrovna
08/27/1939, artist-restorer, schedule, art critic, member of the Union of Artists (1990). A native of Pushkin of the Leningrad Region.She graduated from the department of the easel painting of the Dnipropetrovsk Art College (1963), the department of the theory and history of the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named afterI.E. Repin Academy of Arts of the USSR in Leningrad (1975). In Voronezh since 1963, a participant in the regional, zonal all-Union exhibitions since 1977 since 1971-a restorer, the head of the restoration workshop, the All-Russian, Voronezh Regional Art Museum (1990–2003). restored about 200 works of painting from the collection of the Voronezh Regional Art Museum, includingThe works of A. Arkhipov, E. Kiseleva, I. Kramskoy, I. Levitan, H. Ditrich, V. Castello, A. Maniasco, F. Van Rain, I. Follerdt and others. Lecturer of the Voronezh Art School (1976–1979). The author of the series of watercolor landscapes: “Koktebel.Dedication Voloshin ”(1977–2001),“ Old Voronezh ”(1986–1991),“ Flowers of my garden ”(1999–2003), etc. Since the beginning of the 1990s.It works in the technique of oil painting.She owns articles about the work of Yu. Vnodchenko, V. Znatikova, V. Presnyakov, etc. It is represented in the Voronezh Regional Art Museum, the Voronezh Regional Museum of Local Lore, the regional literary museum named afterI. S. Nikitina, House-Museum A. L. Durov.