The Lightness of Summer Existence, canvas, oil.

Berezyuk Helen


The painting is created with high-quality oil paints on a gallery-wrapped canvas. The edges are painted in the same color, so you can hang the painting on the wall immediately without a frame. It will fit beautifully in any interior. It makes an excellent gift. A unique painting technique is used, which excludes copying and exact repetition. The canvas is mounted on a stretcher frame, oil. This is an original work from 2016. The artist's signature is on the front of the painting. On the back of the stretcher, you can find the title, technique, artist, and year of creation. If you need more information or additional photos, I would be happy to provide them. Happy shopping!

Lot No. 3969
5 000.00

to participate in the auction

AuctionMon 17 Mar 2025
Before closing 3 weeks, 6 days



Artist Berezyuk Helen
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Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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j_***bt Sept. 13, 2024 19:12

Как же здорово, что искусство может передать атмосферу лета с такой легкостью! Одуванчики в стадии созревания создают ощущение свободы и свежести, а игра цветов добавляет динамики в композицию. Уверен, что эта картина украсит любое пространство и напомнит нам о прелести природы!

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