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Directory of Russia stamps on bronze, nickel, silver, gold, platinum, palladium
ПИ6 Artel "On the Testaments of Ilyich" - "PI6" - 1956
ПИ8 Artel "On the Testaments of Ilyich" - "PI8" - 1958
ПК Artel "Paris Commune" - "PK" - 1956
ПК Artel "Paris Commune" - "PK" - 1956.
АР8 Artel "Razneprom" - "AR8" - 1958
АР6 Artel "Raznoprom" - "AR6" - 1956
КП6 Artel "Red Presnya" - "KP6" - 1956
PG6 Artel "Rigas Graveries" - "PG6" - 1956
РГ8 Artel "Rigas Gravyuris" - "RG8" - 1958
РФ0 Artel "Rostovskaya Finift" - "RF0" - 1960
РФ0 Artel "Rostovskaya finift" - "RF0" - 1960
АСЮ6 Artel "Sinkovskiy Jeweler" - "ASY6" - 1956
С8 Artel "Sinkovskiy Jeweler" - "C8" - 1958
ЮМ0 Artel "Skilled Jeweler" - "YUM0" - 1960
АС1 Artel "Various Industries" of Azpromsovet - "AS1" - 1961
П0 Artel "Victory" - "P0" - 1960
П6 Artel "Victory" - "P6" - 1956
П8 Artel "Victory" - "P8" - 1958
АС0 Artel "Vygrooklovy" Azpromsovite - "AC0" - 1960
Ю8 Artel "Yuchendus" - "U8" - 1958
ЛТМ6 Artel Lentochnemekh - "LTM6" - 1956
РЧЗ-4 Artel No. 72 of the Lenrem Otra - RCHZ -4 plant - 1964
РЧЗ5 Artel No. 72 of the Lenrem Ottom - RCHZ5 - 1965
АА0 Arthel "Arczatagorz" of the Armsovette - "A0" 1958-1960
ММ6 Arthel - M6 - 1956
ОР7 Artisanal Master No. 2 of the Remb Technician - "R7" 1967
А07 Artisanal Workshop No. 1 of the Alma-Atina Metallobremont-A07-67
А08 Artisanal Workshop No. 1 of the Alma-Atina Metallobremont-A08 1968
ЗМ5 Artisanal Workshop No. 17 of the Metallophem Plant, Zaporozje - ZM5 - 1965
РД4 Artisanal Workshop No. 2 - D4 - 1964
РД5 Artisanal Workshop No. 2 - D5 - 1965
Х7 Artisanal Workshop No. 2 of the Frunzen Metals Factory - H7 - 1967
Х8 Artisanal Workshop No. 2 of the Frunzen Metals Factory - H8 1968
ОР8 Artisanal Workshop No. 2 of the Remb Technician - "R8" 1968
Г7 Artisanal Workshop No. 3 of the Frunzen Metal Factory - G7 - 1967
РД6 Artisanal Workshop Nos. 1 and No. 2 of Rostovsky-n-Don of the Refrigeration Plant-D6-1966
РД7 Artisanal Workshop Nos. 1 and No. 2 of Rostovsky-n-Don of the Remote Renovation Plant--
А06 Artists of the Alma-Atina Metallobremont - A06 - 1966
Assay mark of the Soviet Union institutions 1927-1946 - Uzbek SSR - Samarkand.
АХ Assayer's hallmark of Kyiv - Khatksyi Oleksandr Mykhailovych - initials "AH" - 1825-1851 years.
Р6ГТ Association "Vologda -Trebyttekhnika" - "P6GT" - 1976
АБК6 Astrachan-Bazar Family Services Companion - ABK6- 1966
Astrachani City Claymo 1827 "Mecho Cron"
Astrahani City Clay 1884 "Mecho Cron"