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Brands of Russia by category "Мастера".
M.T. "M.T."
ППМ "Mr. Metlin Pymenov," with.
Th.GRUHN "Th.GRUHN" was the beginning of the 20th century
ПЕЦЪ - Moscow - initials of the PEI.
ЯР - Saratov, the initials of the YR, 1861-1877.
АЕ - Vilno - initials of AE - 1829-1867.
ВД - Vilno - initials of the VD 1860-1890.
А.МАГАТЪ - Vilno, the initials of A.M.A.G.A.G.A., 1835-1880.
А.РЯБКОВЪ A. - Novgorod - initials of A.R.B.K. - 1874-1882.
АМ A. L. Vladimir Kleimo Master of Muromsev A. L. - Vladimir - initials of AM - 1796.
МАНАЗИНЪ АНФИНОГЕНОВЫХ A. N. - Moscow - the initials of the Monazine ANFIOGEN - 1895.
Л-П Claimo Master Violence Larion Yakovlev - Archangel - Initials L -P - 1879
I-H-B Clay Master Blom Johann Hotric - Leningrad - Initiatial "I-H-B"
IK Clay Master Kolkhof Johann Daniel II - Tallinn - Initis "IK" - 1806-1815 GG.
H.T Clay Master Tallberg Henrik - Leningrad - Initiates "H.T"
А-А Claymo Master Abakumov Abram - Novgorod - initials A - 1818-1851.
ФА Claymo Master Abakumov Philip Abacumovich - Moscow - initials of the FA - 1868-1908
ФА Claymo Master Abakumov Philip Abacumovich - Moscow - initials of the FA - 1868-1908.
АА Claymo Master Adler Andrei Carlovic - Leningrad - initials AA - 1855-1912.
ADLER Claymo Master Adler Maria - Moscow - the DLER initials - 1879-1882.
А-А Claymo Master Afanaciev Alexei - Moscow - initials A-A
АА Claymo Master Afanassiev Alexander - Moscow - initials AA - 1859-1884.
СИА Claymo Master Agafons Sergei Ivan. - Moscow - SIA initials - 1883-1884.
П.А. Claymo Master Akashimov Petr Eustratovic - Moscow - initials of P.A. - 1869-1908.
I.F.A. Claymo Master Akbrella Johann Friedrich - Leningrad - initials I.F.A
IO Claymo Master Akbrella Johann Friedrich - Leningrad - initials IO
IA Claymo Master Akbrella Johann Henry - Leningrad - initials "IA"
I.H.A. Claymo Master Akbrella Johann Henry - Leningrad - initials I.H.A
К.А Claymo Master Albrecht Kiril (Karl) Fedorović - Leningrad - initials K.A. - 1874-1898
Ф-А Claymo Master Alexeiev Fedor - Moscow - initials F-A - 1740-1785.
НА Claymo Master Alexeiev Nikolay - Moscow - initials of "H" - 1843-1868.
ПА Claymo Master Alexeiev Petr - Moscow - initials PA - 1719-1766.
F.A Claymo Master Allenius Fabian Frederick - Leningrad - initials F.A
FA Claymo Master Allenius Fabian Frederick - Leningrad - initials FA
JA Claymo Master Allenius Johan - Leningrad - initials JA - 1898-1908.
AS Claymo Master Andreason Hans - Tallin - Initiators "AS" - 1723-1734.