Kaiser /Kaiser /


Kaiser /Kaiser /

August Albot founded his business by decorating porcelain in Koburg in 1872 .The company was known as Porzellannedelung August Alboth.His son Ernst joined us in 1875.After Augustus, the album retired, his successor in 1898 transferred the factory in the crowns.Ernst Albot had two children - the son of Willie and the daughter of Erna.Erna in 1922 married the Munich banker George Kaiser.Willy Albot joined the leadership in 1925.

Ernst Albot died in 1927.The name of the company was changed to "Alka-Kunst".Porcelain Factory Al-Ka Kunst Alboth & Amp;Kaiser lasted from 1928 to 1951.In 1938, the company acquired the former Gebrüder Silbermann porcelain factory located in the city of Hausen.In 1951, the porcelain factory Al-Ka Kunst Alboth & amp was formed;Kaiser K.G.He was headed by a council of three managers of George Kaiser, Willy Albot and Hubertus Kaiser (son of George).The new plant was built in Stuffelstein, not far from Kronakh.

Alka Porzellanfabriken Alboth & amp;Kaiser KG, Staffelstein lasted until 1970.Georg Kaiser died in 1964.In 1970, the company was named Kaiser-Porzellanmanufaktur Staffelstein K.G.After the reunification of Germany, the problems of porcelain affairs in the country worsened.The company announced insolvency in 2001.It was bought by PM Kapital GmbH & amp;Co.KG and named Kaiser-Porzelnmanufaktur staffelstein gmbh & amp;Co.KG.