Artist Kravchenko Alexei

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Kravchenko Alexey

Born in 1957 in & nbsp; Vitebsk. & nbsp; creative & nbsp; has been engaged in activities since 1977. & nbsp; member of the Belarusian & nbsp; since 2002. & nbsp; has been working in various directions of painting and graphics, special interest & nbsp.; causes an indescribable art. & nbsp; & nbsp; according to the artist, the process & nbsp; & nbsp; creating a picture is a magic ritual, it is how to look into another reality.& nbsp; Alexei on the creative process: & quot; creating music and creating lawless art & ndash;Similar processes.Both have one source & Hellip;The rhythm of lines in my works is born at a reflective level.It happens that it is enough for me to see something, and an idea arises.I can bear work for a very long time, but I can write for a day & Hellip; & quot;

Large -scale exhibition & laquo; presence & raquo;The painting of a member of the Belarusian Union of Artists Alexei Kravchenko was exhibited in the hall of the Center for Contemporary Art in Moscow.The project is dedicated to the anniversary of one of the most distinctive artists of Belarus. & Nbsp; how can the color and lines, at first glance, are randomly located on the canvas, charge energy, attract attention?The gaze attaches, first of all, beauty.Having looked at, you see that each work has its own clear rhythm and a hidden image.With the help of the game of color, forms, veiled lines, Kravchenko translates his thoughts, feelings, feelings on the canvas, thus reflecting our multifaceted life.Many call this indescribable associative painting. & Nbsp;
& ndash;What I do can be called as you like.Give definitions & ndash;This is the case of art historians, & ndash;The author refutes.& ndash;I do not know which system I belong to, I can not find a specific name for what I do & ndash;Abstractism, constructivism, impressionism or something else.Perhaps the most accurate will be the term & laquo; metaphysical painting & raquo;, if we take as a basis the philosophical aspect of metaphysics.The exposition includes about 40 works performed by oil and acrylic.Most of them were created in 2014-2015, many are exhibited for the first time.

& laquo; Wandering in the fog & raquo;, & laquo; Gifts of the Magi & Raquo;, & laquo; reboot & raquo;, & laquo; Angels are waiting on the stairs & raquo; & helellip;How are these and other works born in the artist? & Nbsp;

& ndash;I do not think of a specific image, starting work, it can be born spontaneously and develop in the process of work.My principle & ndash;& laquo; relax and pass through yourself God & raquo;.This is all that the artist needs.

Alexei Kravchenko has been active exhibition activities for two decades.He is known and loved in Vitebsk, Minsk, Polotsk, Moscow, Smolensk, Lviv, Riga, Ninburg, Amsterdam.His two previous personal exhibitions were held in Moscow three years ago.& nbsp; according to the artist, he has never been a realist in its purest form.But he always loved to go to the raters.He will not refuse a sketchbook now to write a realistic landscape & ndash;In the impressionistic manner, displaying the subject world.

Exhibition of painting a member of the Belarusian Union of Artists Alexei Kravchenko is open at the Art-Picture Gallery in Moscow.

& laquo; Transsensum & raquo; & ndash;Thus, one of the most distinctive Vitebsk painters Alexei Kravchenko called his next project, which is ahead of the English means & laquo; Transcumeness & raquo;.The artist presented his chosen works here.

The author’s artistic language may not accept the viewer, looking for specifics in art.Nevertheless, everyone will stop and think: what is in front of him?The view is attached to a combination of colors and mysterious lines.& nbsp; Looking, in each work you note a clear rhythm and hidden images.With the help of signs, color and lines, the artist reflects his worldview: sets the topic, thought or concept, lays energy on the canvas.& laquo; Light-posed & raquo ;, & laquo; Kali-yuga & raquo ;, & laquo; wild-fidget horses & raquo;, & laquo; mebius & raquo ;, & laquo; steppe wolf & raquo; & helellip;Many call it an indescribable associative painting.The author explains her essence very simply:

& ndash;Creating music and creating an indiscriminate art & ndash;Similar processes.Both that and another have one source ... The rhythm of lines in my works is born at a reflective level.It happens that it is enough for me to see something, and an idea arises.I can bear work for a very long time, but I can write for a day & Hellip;

Earlier, Alexei Kravchenko worked in various directions, he was a realist for some time, but for about ten years he has been giving priority in creativity of lawless art.The artist is actively exhibited, participates in collective projects, his work is always in demand.This project also aroused great interest to the public.

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