The Helena Wolfsohn factory was not a long period of the 19th century, so the objects of this manufactory are rare.At the Helena Wolfsohn factory, porcelain itself was not produced, all blanks were supplied directly from different manufactories.At the Helena Wolfsohn factory, the blanks were painted, covered with glaze and burned.Helena Wolfsohn specialized in painting porcelain products in Rococo styles.
For some time, the factory used the initials of AR in its stigma, as in one of the early stigma of Meysen, but in 1883, as a result of the trial, the use of these letters was prohibited.The manufacture of Helena Wolfsohn was one of the best followers and the keeper of the traditions of the Meissen porcelain.A dense heavy porcelain mass was also used, and sculptors and artists were great masters of their craft.It is often very difficult to distinguish between the porcelain of the Meissen factory from the porcelain of this factory, the class of works is so high.