


Zussman factory in the village.Stone ford. Located in the village of Kamenny Brod, belonging to Prince.Lyudgard Venediktovna Yablonovskaya.The plant is nominally considered belonging to Prince.Yablonovskaya, but valid for him The owner was F. Zussman, who founded it in 1776 .When installing the plant, the most advanced techniques were used.In a short time, the turnover of the factory exceeded 40,000 rubles, but things were especially good with entering into the possession of the factory of the son of F. Zussman, A.F. Zussman.

At first, the plant produced earthenware and porcelain products, but since the local conditions did not meet the needs of more and more increased production, the city factory was purchased in 80-year for the construction of porcelain products, and only faience began to work in the Kamenno-Brodsky plant (withlate 80s).In 1884, the turnover of the factory was shown at 84 thousand rubles, at 100 people.workers, but, according to Zabelin, in 1884, porcelain dishes were made for 85 thousand rubles.In 1892, the plant burned down, but was again built in significantly larger sizes.Various improvements were introduced at the same time, thanks to which the plants of the plant received wider sales.

The turnover of the factory currently exceeds 300,000 rubles, the PA 400 workers.For products that were at exhibitions: Poltava in 1887, Odessa in 1895 and Kyiv in 1897, the plant was awarded with honorary reviews and medals of large gold and silver.